S Files Pro X
S Files Pro X


File Explorer for Windows (Free for a few days)


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S Files Pro X

S Files Pro X (Shrestha Files) offers the convenience of tabs and dual pane with a modern and minimalist user interface to supercharge your productivity!

S Files Pro X

2023年5月29日 — S Files Pro X 是一款Windows 10 系统下的多标签页文件资源管理器,支持多款主题,总体来说视觉上挺适配Windows 10 的,操作上添加了标签页之后会更 ...

Shrestha Files Pro X JPTGamesAndApps

Shrestha Files Pro X is a modern and minimalist file explorer for Windows 11 and Windows 10. 4 followers · 2 following.


S Files Pro X (Shrestha Files). Please visit our new website at https://www.sfiles.app/ for our brand new website. Get S Files Pro X from the Microsoft Store ...

S Files Pro X (Shrestha Files)

S Files Pro X. S Files Pro X offers the convenience of tabs and dual pane with a modern and minimalist interface to supercharge your productivity!

Shrestha Files Pro

2023年5月24日 — With Shrestha Files Pro, you can get a free and stylish alternative to Windows Explorer. As noted, the app offers tabs and double windows to ...

File Explorer for Windows (Free for a few days)

2023年5月28日 — To celebrate the Microsoft Build 2023, we are introducing S Files Pro X - the next version of Shrestha Files - with new icon and new features.

A Modern Dual Pane File Manager with Colorful Themes

Shrestha Files Pro X is the first File Manager app in the Microsoft Store to use WinAppSDK. **Changelog for Version 2.19 (February 4, 2023)** * In the internal ...


SFilesProX(ShresthaFiles)offerstheconvenienceoftabsanddualpanewithamodernandminimalistuserinterfacetosuperchargeyourproductivity!,2023年5月29日—SFilesProX是一款Windows10系统下的多标签页文件资源管理器,支持多款主题,总体来说视觉上挺适配Windows10的,操作上添加了标签页之后会更 ...,ShresthaFilesProXisamodernandminimalistfileexplorerforWindows11andWindows10.4followers·2following.,SFilesProX(Shresth...